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finding reliable medical practitioners
Hello, I am looking for a therapist in the Reno, NV area for my 18 year old daughter

For the last year (her senior year) she has been dressing more boyish, I didn't think much about it as it was similar to her friends. A couple of weeks ago she told me that she really hated her breasts and was feeling like she should be a man. I was shocked to say the least as there had never been any signs. As a child she was mostly a normal girl, she wasn't girly but she didn't favor a boy either. She was very artsy and placed with craft and art things, not really toys so there isn't really a way I would have noticed anything there. She always preferred dresses, not frilly ones just skirts and dresses. We found that she had some auditory and tactile sensory issues and was diagnosed with SPD as well as anxiety and ocd (obsessive hand washer). She hated getting her hands dirty. Through puberty there was never an issue with regards to starting her period or breast development. She never had large breasts and still doesn't. She want's to be done with her period (what girl doesn't??) and get rid of her chest. She did not ask me to change pronouns or call her a different name. I asked if she came up with a different name and she told me that she hadn't decided between 2 of them but didn't tell me what they were. With her new job she did put pronouns if He/him and a new name on her name tag as well as at the Dr when she went in.

I believe that it may be RODG an part of what contributed to her dysphoria was friends. I'm not saying that it is the only reason since I don't really know but within the last year her entire friend group all came out as something within the LGBTQ area. Maybe they became friends because of like minds or maybe they just decided they wanted to be something else. She is in a very small school with a super high % of kids that identify LGBTQ in the last few years (about 30% mostly girls).

I have been supportive but not over the top "Yay, let's get going and you transitioned!". I am less than thrilled about the issue but if it is truly a problem then we will deal with it. She doesn't appear to be depressed or have suicide ideation (as well the questionnaire they do at the Dr showed mild depression) But I am being as supportive as possible . As she is considered an adult, I told her she is responsible for all her medical stuff now, appointments and therapy that she has referrals on. I don't plan to lead her through this, she is legally and adult and in my opinion its an adult decision. She is not a fan of medical procedures or anything medical so I am hoping that will help slow things down so she can think.

Any suggestions would be wonderful.


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RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Guest - 26-Aug-2018, 02:24 PM
RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Guest - 07-Dec-2018, 06:42 PM
RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Guest - 19-Apr-2019, 03:10 PM
RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Guest - 04-Feb-2019, 12:39 AM
RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Guest - 12-Feb-2019, 10:13 PM
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RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Guest - 26-Oct-2021, 06:30 PM
RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Guest - 01-Feb-2022, 12:52 PM
RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Guest - 07-Jun-2022, 04:47 AM
RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Guest - 01-Sep-2022, 04:18 PM
RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Kathyc - 01-Sep-2022, 04:30 PM
RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Guest - 18-Sep-2022, 11:41 PM
RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Rae - 05-Nov-2022, 03:01 AM
RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Guest - 16-Aug-2023, 02:42 AM
RE: finding reliable medical practitioners - by Guest - 25-Feb-2024, 11:54 PM

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