09-Jun-2022, 03:54 PM
My 13 year old daughter began expressing gender dysphoria at 11, just before her father passed away. She was already suffering with depression and anxiety and under the care of a psychiatrist and a pediatric therapist. She had never expressed a discomfort in her body at all to me prior to this, and it was never a topic discussed in therapy or psychiatric check in appointments. My child has a history of obsessive trend behavior, and so that is what I am thinking this is. I have gone through 3 therapists, and a family therapist and everyone seems hell bent on affirmative care. I have allowed my child to dress in a manner that makes them comfortable and we use a different name, but she needs someone to help her understand WHY she is having these feelings. I have already had multiple doctors and psych try to get me setup with hormones and P blockers, and it is insane. So I need to find a psychiatrist and therapist in or near Gastonia, NC. Suggestions needed!