07-Jun-2020, 02:10 PM
My 13 year old daughter told me yesterday that she wants to be a boy. That she feels like a boy. I have had my suspicions and knew the time had come to confront them. We had a long talk and I told her that although I love her, will always be right by her side, and empathize with the confusion and torment she may be feeling over this, that I don’t BLAME HER for her feelings, but that we (she and I), will not agree to accept that lifestyle. I feel like my world is falling apart and just want my little girl back. I feel so alone and ashamed and I blame myself. I created her! I can’t stop crying. I did not share these feelings with her. Except that I blame myself. I am trying to put on a brave face in front of her until I figure out what to do. I realize that in my situation, immediate and consistent action is going to have to be taken. I am glad I found this board and hope that I can get some insight from it. I am at the beginning of what I believe is going to be a difficult road for me and my girl. And I just want my baby back.