26-Jul-2019, 04:13 AM
(26-Jul-2019, 03:50 AM)eioffer Wrote: Hi,Once your account is activated, you will find a lot of information. Be patient. It will be worth it.
My son is dating a trans girl - He was new to the school system and joined the "Diversity club". I was so naive I didn't know it was full of all confused kids. He is 14 and in 8th grade going into 9th. I am pretty sure that this is his first romantic relationship. This "girl" went from Pan to trans. We have a no dating rule till 16 but he is breaking that. My solace is that I believe she is going to another school next year (Fingers crossed). I notice that he is talking about estrogen and womens levels etc... This info I am sure is coming from his friend. She also talks about sucide and her mental health. I feel she is really mixing my son up. He has always had crushes on females that identify as females. I now see him having distate for them. Originally he told me he couldn't date this person b/c he wasn't gay - so did he "turn gay" ? This is really putting a wedge between us. She is biologically a female to be clear but if I call her a she he freaks out and says it is "because of people like you" ! He is so smart that I can't believe he buys into all of this stuff so easily. Any thoughts on what I should be doing ? Deprogramming etc...
Let love lead.