19-Apr-2019, 09:29 PM
(17-Apr-2019, 01:19 PM)lckystarr Wrote: I'm a new member, as well. I have been struggling with my daughter and the trans issue for three years. She was a normal, beautiful functioning young girl, but when she turned 14 she all of a sudden wanted to cut off her breasts and identify as a boy. I would not support it and got into so much trouble in the state of CA. She was very rebellious and tried to get me in trouble with the state and was successful in doing so, so much that she ended up in foster care for 6 months. I am a single/widowed mother and it has been holy hell. Does anyone know what is going on? I moved to Minnesota and 3 years later I am still dealing with this shit with her. I'm so done...and still don't support it. I have to be careful who I tell this too.I completely understand. I am also in CA and my 15 year old daughter is going through the same thing. She has gone to the school and changed her name to a boy name. I went to the school frustrated by getting email messages from them with this name and they told me that because of some bill that was passed they have to allow this. How do these kids have more rights than the parents? How are we supposed to be parents when we are restricted? My daughter has now been in and out of treatment centers, crisis centers and acute facilities. She is in an acute facility now due to her suicidal attempt. Since she is there, I decided to go through her chat account and I was shocked. The things these kids talk about is completely unhealthy and there is definitely dangerous. I was so upset that I logged in and gave them a piece of my mind. This particular teen, so I think it's a teen, was completely emotionally manipulating. While she is has been out, I have removed all the inappropriate drawings on her wall. I'm placing lock on the closet door and placing the computer, pills and knives in it. This has all happened within the course of the past year. She keeps saying she was "born" this way. I keep telling her it is not true. She was a girly girl, into cheetah print, glitter and only stop playing with barbies at age 14. She has made comments about her self image that she is overweight. I am tired of these therapist validating her feeling of being a "boy" instead of treating and addressing her self esteem issues. I'm beyond frustrated and it seems that I'm fighting a losing battle.