10-Nov-2021, 03:53 PM
Yesterday I was accosted by a hideous Trans woman, or man wanna-be I guess! [/url]@evantesseract [url=https://twitter.com/evantesseract/status/1458152648666910729]Evan's Outrage, HER VERSION OF HISTORY!
They provoked a negative response and got my Twitter account suspended. I had merely posted a reply to a tweet from the Auschwitz Museum Twitter account saying that "there were LGBT people murdered there too, but this individual replied "You don't speak for the Queers, hush."
It felt very personal. Who is this woman who thinks they're a MAN coming at me as if I claimed to be speaking for anyone but myself!? It's suddenly not PC for a WHITE CIS GAY MAN to point out a fact about the Holocaust?
They got the anti-Trans reply they wanted, and then Quote Tweeted it with a call to "MASS REPORT" me. They succeeded in getting my account suspended.
It's an art therapy account which I made during a time when I was struggling with thoughts of suicide. Having that account taken away after seven months of working on it and building my Following!-because of a woman with a vagina that wants to turn it into a rage penis feels inclined to "Correct" people on the internet [it's her MO on that account]. Also, they have a GoFundMe for their transition they share, which I'm certain is part of what I experienced too. They pick a fight with a CIS man, it was in my bio, and then invoke a negative response, cry FOUL to their Followers, and then in turn after the "bad CIS man" has been hammered into oblivion by the Twitter algorithm, no concern for what they might do to themselves mind you, they see a surge in their GFM donations. #TransSympathy Money! I had never had any contact with this person, they had no authority to come at me in any way, much less to tell me to HUSH about who was or wasn't EXTERMINATED in the Holocaust!
I've had this happen before, but never to the extent of being Mass Reported for the purpose of WIPING ME OUT FROM EXISTENCE. I'm just a lonely Emojo Man trying to catch a break and build my career. This person is literally cannibalizing their own LGBTQ brethren for her own SATANIC PURPOSES! Mutilation of your body, or the desire to do so, to assuage a Mental Illness is not OK. These people are so sick they attack EVERYONE else who doesn't hand them their hard earned money and support. I'm not bound to accept anyone's "identity." As a rule I AM accepting, I really don't give a damn what you do with your body, whether it's abortion or sex work or whatever! BUT don't attack my gender identity, don't turn an ally into an enemy like this WOMAN who THINKS she's a man did! It is for that reason, amongst others [I've never had a pleasant interaction with a TRANS, and it's ON THEM because I was nothing but friendly and as accepting as I could naturally be] that I no longer JUST GIVE my support to TRANS people, in fact I could say enough bad experiences have turned me Transphobic, which is unfortunate because I'll admit I've had thoughts about "maybe being more of a woman on the inside, in my own disposition/nature, but I decided long ago to LOVE my body which God blessed me with. My penis is not something I could ever imagine losing or having "cut off" and turned into a vagina! I can explore my feminine aspects just fine in my male body! I think these angry Trans women who hate CIS Men have no freaking clue what it's like to be a man, they've just been hurt by them so much they want to become the thing they hate so they know what it feels like to be STRONG instead of weak.
I don't know if you all are LGB friendly or not. Maybe I just walked into a den of vipers. I don't care. Please show her what happens to people that attack CIS WHITE people for defending rights and freedom of speech! They need to be SHUT DOWN so they can stop scamming innocent LGBTQ Allies out of their money. I guarantee "Evan" is using that money to live off of, and none of it will ever go to a transition. Isn't that usually the way? They collect their #TransSympathyMoney claiming another CIS MAN injured them, until someone comes along to PAY FOR THEIR TRANSITION.
Or, if you people are supportive of new artists, I only started this in Feb2021, but since August I've been making digital art! I pissed off the "Michael Jackson definitely wasn't a Pedophile" section Twitter last month by simply expressing my opinion that he did it, he was a freak and while I still enjoy his music which is my right, the man he was was a MONSTER! I believe it.
Trans people have just stepped up as the new demographic I have no more tolerance for. At least the ones who come to Twitter for "turn my vagina into a rage penis!" If you pick on one CIS person, you pick on us all! Right?
@ThePandemica [suspended account is @PCBPresents with all my art and personal expressions since March GONE because of this hateful WOMAN trying to get people to see her as a man]!
I could really use the support right now! It's my 45th Birthday next month, and I have no one in my life because I married a toxic person who's so damn negative no one can stand us. So I don't know what 45 looks like for me, spending it alone, maybe going somewhere and killing myself, who can say when I have toxic Trans women trying to CUT OFF MY PENIS metaphorically?
My "cartoons" to date. I've been self-teaching myself how to do it on a very old PC without one of those fancy animation programs, using MSPaint/Paint3D and a video Editor to experiment with. I'm currently working on a "Bosom Buddies" spoof which I think possibly set off this Trans lunatic, but really has NOTHING to do with them or the Trans community at all. It's just MY ART! Don't I have a right to create and share my art without being "shut down" by She-Man CIS Men haters?
Dave Chappelle was RIGHT about this community being just the most AWFUL community out there! I didn't deserve to be taken down for my art. That's so unAmerican and not very LGBTQ inclusive! The allies that participated in that #CyberMurder of a fictional character/identity are not true allies, they jumped at HER beck and call, she went from AGGRESSOR to Victim as quickly as Twitter shut off my account/voice!
If someone can help reverse the suspension I'd also appreciate it! It's just my freedom of speech on trial there. I did say to her that if she has a vagina she's a woman, and I stand by that as MY PERSONAL OPINON. I wasn't Transphobic before this incident, but I am now! I want nothing to do with those people, and that's on them because I've been nothing but accepting of them until now, even when they attacked me for being CIS!
Preview of Bosom Buddies Episode of Pandemica The Series
They provoked a negative response and got my Twitter account suspended. I had merely posted a reply to a tweet from the Auschwitz Museum Twitter account saying that "there were LGBT people murdered there too, but this individual replied "You don't speak for the Queers, hush."
It felt very personal. Who is this woman who thinks they're a MAN coming at me as if I claimed to be speaking for anyone but myself!? It's suddenly not PC for a WHITE CIS GAY MAN to point out a fact about the Holocaust?
They got the anti-Trans reply they wanted, and then Quote Tweeted it with a call to "MASS REPORT" me. They succeeded in getting my account suspended.
It's an art therapy account which I made during a time when I was struggling with thoughts of suicide. Having that account taken away after seven months of working on it and building my Following!-because of a woman with a vagina that wants to turn it into a rage penis feels inclined to "Correct" people on the internet [it's her MO on that account]. Also, they have a GoFundMe for their transition they share, which I'm certain is part of what I experienced too. They pick a fight with a CIS man, it was in my bio, and then invoke a negative response, cry FOUL to their Followers, and then in turn after the "bad CIS man" has been hammered into oblivion by the Twitter algorithm, no concern for what they might do to themselves mind you, they see a surge in their GFM donations. #TransSympathy Money! I had never had any contact with this person, they had no authority to come at me in any way, much less to tell me to HUSH about who was or wasn't EXTERMINATED in the Holocaust!
I've had this happen before, but never to the extent of being Mass Reported for the purpose of WIPING ME OUT FROM EXISTENCE. I'm just a lonely Emojo Man trying to catch a break and build my career. This person is literally cannibalizing their own LGBTQ brethren for her own SATANIC PURPOSES! Mutilation of your body, or the desire to do so, to assuage a Mental Illness is not OK. These people are so sick they attack EVERYONE else who doesn't hand them their hard earned money and support. I'm not bound to accept anyone's "identity." As a rule I AM accepting, I really don't give a damn what you do with your body, whether it's abortion or sex work or whatever! BUT don't attack my gender identity, don't turn an ally into an enemy like this WOMAN who THINKS she's a man did! It is for that reason, amongst others [I've never had a pleasant interaction with a TRANS, and it's ON THEM because I was nothing but friendly and as accepting as I could naturally be] that I no longer JUST GIVE my support to TRANS people, in fact I could say enough bad experiences have turned me Transphobic, which is unfortunate because I'll admit I've had thoughts about "maybe being more of a woman on the inside, in my own disposition/nature, but I decided long ago to LOVE my body which God blessed me with. My penis is not something I could ever imagine losing or having "cut off" and turned into a vagina! I can explore my feminine aspects just fine in my male body! I think these angry Trans women who hate CIS Men have no freaking clue what it's like to be a man, they've just been hurt by them so much they want to become the thing they hate so they know what it feels like to be STRONG instead of weak.
I don't know if you all are LGB friendly or not. Maybe I just walked into a den of vipers. I don't care. Please show her what happens to people that attack CIS WHITE people for defending rights and freedom of speech! They need to be SHUT DOWN so they can stop scamming innocent LGBTQ Allies out of their money. I guarantee "Evan" is using that money to live off of, and none of it will ever go to a transition. Isn't that usually the way? They collect their #TransSympathyMoney claiming another CIS MAN injured them, until someone comes along to PAY FOR THEIR TRANSITION.
Or, if you people are supportive of new artists, I only started this in Feb2021, but since August I've been making digital art! I pissed off the "Michael Jackson definitely wasn't a Pedophile" section Twitter last month by simply expressing my opinion that he did it, he was a freak and while I still enjoy his music which is my right, the man he was was a MONSTER! I believe it.
Trans people have just stepped up as the new demographic I have no more tolerance for. At least the ones who come to Twitter for "turn my vagina into a rage penis!" If you pick on one CIS person, you pick on us all! Right?
@ThePandemica [suspended account is @PCBPresents with all my art and personal expressions since March GONE because of this hateful WOMAN trying to get people to see her as a man]!
I could really use the support right now! It's my 45th Birthday next month, and I have no one in my life because I married a toxic person who's so damn negative no one can stand us. So I don't know what 45 looks like for me, spending it alone, maybe going somewhere and killing myself, who can say when I have toxic Trans women trying to CUT OFF MY PENIS metaphorically?
My "cartoons" to date. I've been self-teaching myself how to do it on a very old PC without one of those fancy animation programs, using MSPaint/Paint3D and a video Editor to experiment with. I'm currently working on a "Bosom Buddies" spoof which I think possibly set off this Trans lunatic, but really has NOTHING to do with them or the Trans community at all. It's just MY ART! Don't I have a right to create and share my art without being "shut down" by She-Man CIS Men haters?
Dave Chappelle was RIGHT about this community being just the most AWFUL community out there! I didn't deserve to be taken down for my art. That's so unAmerican and not very LGBTQ inclusive! The allies that participated in that #CyberMurder of a fictional character/identity are not true allies, they jumped at HER beck and call, she went from AGGRESSOR to Victim as quickly as Twitter shut off my account/voice!
If someone can help reverse the suspension I'd also appreciate it! It's just my freedom of speech on trial there. I did say to her that if she has a vagina she's a woman, and I stand by that as MY PERSONAL OPINON. I wasn't Transphobic before this incident, but I am now! I want nothing to do with those people, and that's on them because I've been nothing but accepting of them until now, even when they attacked me for being CIS!
Preview of Bosom Buddies Episode of Pandemica The Series