24-Nov-2017, 12:56 AM
(23-Nov-2017, 11:46 PM)M2Cozy1 Wrote: Hi. I am hoping that I am posting good in the right area. I am looking for a discussion where parents can talk with each other and compare stories and just support each other. About 3 months ago my barely 20 year old son announced he was a girl. Two weeks ago he started estrogen. I am a wreck over this. I had suspected he might be gay because he had never had a girlfriend, but he didn't seem to like guys either. He says he is a lesbian. He now has a girlfriend. I am divorced and don't have much for people to talk about this with and am hoping to find people who think similar to me and have some personal experience to share.
thank you.
This board is set up for what parents like you. We tend to be sceptical about the whole "born in the wrong body" thing, but aren't here to argue about it but are here to support each other and have a space to talk about how we feel.
This area of the board, the public area, colored blue is open to anyone to read. If you like I can move your post (and this reply) to the members only area of the board. Just reply here and I will sort it out.
Do bear in mind that we cannot control who joins up, so you should take care not to reveal identifying information about yourself.