28-Apr-2018, 02:58 AM
(02-Feb-2018, 08:36 PM)MomIam Wrote: Hello. I am a mom of a 22 son who just recently said he is a girl. He has now dropped out of college, does not work, has sold most of his stuff including his car, video game paraphernalia and is so very angry at us. He has also stopped communicating with us. He has gotten his own low income insurance and may begin taking HRT but I am not sure. I am looking for understanding and support. I feel so lost.
I too am the mom of a 23 yr old son that is now "presenting" (I have come to hate that word) as a female. I am appalled. I am torn between anger and sadness. He is too old to have me "control" his internet use or what he does. I have told him that this is not a journey his father and I will be able to take with him. I wont pay for anything. It is hard for me to provide any emotional support since I simply do not believe it is possible for him to be a girl. He will always be a boy trying to look female. Most of the parents here feel so lost. And most of us didnt see it coming. There are no more going to the family for holidays, going out to dinner or family vacations. We are all learning a new way of life. His brothers say they are supportive, but have basically run for the hills. One is newly married and has immersed himself in his wifes family, the other is moving to another state. I have basically lost all 3 of my kids over this. I am terrified, as it is becoming easier for me to turn away as he is not looking, sounding or acting like my son. I feel like he has been taken away by this terrible stranger that I am beginning to really not like. Hang in there. We all understand!