(29-Nov-2023, 02:05 AM)savewomenssportsfromtrans Wrote: hello. I'm new to this message board and hoping to be added to the private section so I can post more about my situation. My female child was stolen by the trans cult, and now there are trans "girls" on my other female daughter's soccer team. I am so devastated and depressed and need support. I feel like I failed.
Dear savewomenssportsfromtrans, you should not give in to the temptation to blame yourself. Yes, a little introspection on what you did or said in response to your child's behaviors is useful, if it's just to take stock of whatever mistakes you made so that you can do something different in the future, is productive; but do not accept the guilt. We are living in exceptionally crazy times, and all of us here just were in the wrong place at the wrong time and we got caught up in the gears of a very large machine, and we could not have seen it coming.
It's ironic, but your greatest vulnerability is also your superpower: the fact is that you love your children and all those trans-indoctrinated "be kind" people who have been using them to feed their own egos definitely do not, is your superpower.
You are in the right place. You can read and learn from the experiences of other parents in this forum. Compare and Contrast your own experiences with their stories and it will help you see your own situation more clearly, help you figure out a strategy for yourself going forward. You're not alone, and remembering that is a way to stay sane in the meantime. Please believe that you possess hidden reserves in you that you can use to get through this. Hang in there.