26-Jun-2021, 01:59 AM
(28-May-2021, 06:14 PM)Trishthedish Wrote: I just joined. I am looking for advise or sucess stories navigating this sudden onset gender disphoria phenomenon we are seeing. It feels like a "movement".I am in the same boat. I look forward to reading all the posts and picking out advice that I think will work for our family. I want to validate our son's feelings, regardless of what those feelings are and be sure to be respectful, however it goes both ways and we are the parents and I am trying to find that right balance of supporting this exploration, but also letting him know what we believe. The brain is not fully developed until 24/25 and I believe that it's important information for kids to have and to remember. The past two days have been lots of sobbing and back and forth. I don't want to use different pronouns for my son. I just don't want to. And he is saying that it doesn't validate his feelings. My response back is that my feelings aren't being validated either. The arguments are, what if people started calling me "he, him, etc" when I am a she, her? I told him that I don't even want to put labels on my name. Why are labels so important anyways? Even before he told us he was agender, I didn't feel comfortable putting labels to my name and didn't. I hope to teach him that he doesn't need these labels to be who he is and that there is a huge spectrum of identity that falls between male and female. Anybody else have thoughts to add?