29-Nov-2018, 03:58 AM
New to this topic and very concerned about a younger relation who is taking testosterone and going for "top" surgery. Appears to be sudden onset of "trans" after abuse in prior relationship and gay-male relationship which ended; very very intelligent and very ideological. What if anything can anyone recommend to assist with coping with this situation. As so many seem to be these days, it affects a group of friends, but no others are going so far with this. Had eating disorders, cutting, and other emotional issues, many moves, difficulties with being so smart in a population at school which was not, stated lesbian and one relationship in this area previously (1 year) self-diagnosed as "borderline"; took ability for a time; told at 12 was "depressed"; now denies this as being "real"; "true self is trans fTm"; currently 1 year on testosterone ; no one in family wants to hear about this 'trend' among young adult females. What to do???