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Joining The Support Board
Hello, I've activated my email, but can only see the public boards.
Hi MomQuestions, all accounts must be approved manually by a board moderator before a new member gains access to the members-only boards, and so that is probably why you couldn't see them earlier. Your membership has been approved, so you should now have access. Please post back if you do not. Welcome.
Hi there!  I registered and received an activation code but I don’t know where to enter it in order to activate my account.  I can only see public forums at the moment
(11-Jan-2019, 05:05 AM)rensides Wrote: Hi there!  I registered and received an activation code but I don’t know where to enter it in order to activate my account.  I can only see public forums at the moment

Hi and welcome. All those who register must also be manually activated by a moderator. I have just activated your account, so you should now have access to all forums. Please post back if you do not.
I eagerly await approval. I am fraught w worry and could use some support and advice. Thanks.
Hello NYCmom71 and welcome. I'm sorry to hear about your worry but certainly everyone here understands. Your account has been activated. Come on "inside" and you'll find lots of advice and support.
(26-Jun-2018, 09:48 PM)theweegal Wrote:
(12-Oct-2017, 10:44 PM)admin Wrote: Our Bulletin Board is run for parents and families by parents and families who share the experience of coping with a child, teenager or young adult who believes she or he is transgender. 

Anyone in that situation is welcome to join us. But first:

Some points about confidentiality:

The board was set up as a place for us to discuss our stories, issues and problems in a respectful and non-judgemental space. However, we have no way to verify the identity of members. 

We Cannot Guarantee Confidentiality.

Therefore, we cannot guarantee that everyone on the board will be there in good faith. It is probably safe to operate under the assumption that the forum is being watched by those who would wish us ill. 

Choose an anonymous user name, don't reveal identifying details about yourself, and use appropriate caution when interacting with others on the forum. 

The system requires a valid email address as part of the registration process. This email is stored in case you forget your password, but is not visible to other members unless you explicitly choose to make it visible.

The system logs all personal messages and emails sent from the board.  These are not visible to other members, but can be seen by the moderators and may be examined if you are suspected of abusive behaviour. The moderators may examine the message logs to check that personal messages are not being abused. The moderators have not wish to police what people think or say, but will try protect the members from abuse and take whatever steps they feel are needed.

What's On the board Stays on the board 

We ask you to respect the privacy and confidentiality of other members of the board.
By registering on this discussion system you agree that you will not disclose, share, download or copy any information or text posted on the discussion system by other users without their explicit permission. You will not describe, discuss or report information about the system, users or material that they have posted. 

Any information you provide on these forums will not be disclosed to any third party without your complete consent, although the staff cannot be held liable for any hacking attempt in which your data is compromised, or for the behaviour of other members of the board.

By continuing with the sign up process you agree to the above rules and any others that the Administrator specifies.

If you wish to join us, you can click the registration link above. After you have filled in and submitted your details, you will receive an email. If you follow the instructions in the email, your membership will then be held up until a moderator approves it, when you will receive another email to tell you that you are a full member of the board.

Once you are registered.

You will be able to see the members sections of the board.

Hi there! I'm new here and I'm not familiar with discussion boards so forgive me if I post the wrong thing into the wrong thread. I am glad I found this place because our daughter, 16, has identified as trans some months ago and we can't see how she could be a boy. Whatever I read here from others is true for her, too. 
We're in Europe and it was only when I looked on english language websites that I finally found some resources that were not of the prevailing vein (or how can I put this?)

D has had some issues with sensory integration as a small child, body awareness, balance and low muscle tension. My idea is that maybe this is part of the problem now. She just finds it hard to connect with her own body maybe and that might lead here to believe her being in the wrong body?She's not ADS but something similar is true for her. Dyslexia applies to and also some Dyspraxia.

By the way can someone explain where the ADS connection is coming from?

She's always been a very easy going laid back person, very easy to handle for us parents, very eager to please and help others. She was never very strong willed and was easily convinced to do or not do things that we needed het to do. You know, when we needed it, simple things like having to go out or do something like visits or shopping. Other kids would throw tantrums, she was okay after some explaining. From when she was 11 or so this started to change and we thought: Oh, it's about time she felt her own will and expressed it, too. She was starting to get real angry sometimes and raging. And of course now this trans thing turns her into a real rebel...

And also she was always a bit different from other children in her class and ended up a loner. So now she has all these friends outside of school that see themselves as outsiders in society. She's now out and about and hanging out with other teenagers
In that respect we are glad for her to finally have found a peer group.
Only it's all build on this idea of not being a cis girls and not being straight. Apparently in that group there is one straight boy and he's the token cis straight boy.

We hope  obviously that she will see sense in the not too distant future and is accepted as the token cis and possibly even straight girl  Smile

One thing is remarkable, too. When she comes home from trans meetings she's rather bad tempered and keeps at a distance. But when she does something unrelated to trans, she becomes this softened happier person again. E.g. she likes child minding/baby sitting. So she comes home relaxed and quite contented from that little job she has.

Greetings - and my thanks to all who have worked on this organization.

My child and I live in Manhattan and are seeking a counselor/therapist to help us handle her wanting to be a male.

While I have been supportive with hair, clothes, names, pronouns, etc... I am very reluctant to have her start hormones. 

Her thinking/feelings/influences etc.  need to be explored in a supportive, yet critical way.  Not rubber stamped.

Please let me know if anyone can refer us to such a therapist.  We live in Chelsea, but can travel even to NJ metro area.

Again, thanks - and Heart to all,

Brian19 (I'm the mother)

I just joined but all I see is the public places. I'm desperately looking for support and ways to help my 14 yo son who is suddenly announcing that he's transgender and demanding that we consent to provide hormone therapy treatment to turn him into a girl. All I keep finding is this narrative that I have to "affirm" his true self by consenting to these procedures and many others that basically mutilate his otherwise perfectly healthy body. This is like a nightmare! How do I make him see that this is wrong and no amount of hormones or surgery will ever do that? 

Everybody is so politically correct out there. You can't say anything for fear of losing your job or your life. I know I can't be the only one who has questions about all this trend and the rush to do this to our kids. This just sounds so wrong! I'm no a bigot or intolerant, I'm just a smart person with questions that haven't been answered and that nobody out there allow to even have.

He has a variety of mental health issues: anxiety and mood disorders, OCD, depression, truancy. Has no friends in real life, abandoned all interest in video games that used to be his passion, doesn't do school, doesn't go out anywhere, has no interests or goals for life, except to hang out in online forums with others that keep pushing that idea on him, read and parrot back all sorts of socialist and radical propaganda and this fixation with transitioning. Help! I'm so afraid for him!

(25-Jun-2018, 04:45 PM)mom1211 Wrote: It looks like folks have trouble accessing the member's forum after registering and email account verification.  I too am having that problem but I could not tell if it gets fixed when someone goes back in and activates the account or if there is a delay in activating the account and it happens on its own after the registration process.

I entered the activation code that I received in the email, but it still doesn't work.  Sad
Hello, truthseeker. Thanks for joining and sorry for the delay in activation. Thanks for your patience. All memberships are activated not only through the activation email newly joined members receive, but also manually by a moderator. This means it can sometimes take a bit.

Your account is now activated.

Please help me. My son just told me his thinks he is transgender. He is 23 and diagnosed with asperger's a couple years ago. He never showed one single sign of interest in female things. Please help me. Please

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