Our daughter told us that she is unhappy with her body and wants to take hormones and remove her breasts when she turns 18. We are still under shock and do not know what to do.
We analysed and this has been going on for about 2 years. Many similarities with what other parents have faced:
- High interest in Animes
- Too much time spent on internet: instagram, tiktok, youtube, discord (i have not seen this one mentioned on the public forum)
- Too much gaming
- Difficulty making friend at school
We discovered that she is part of an online group of friends that are thinking about transitioning. This group of 5-6 teens are from US, Singapore, Australia...
She mentioned to school counselor that she has these thought. They have referred her to a counselor specialized in helping girls transition. We knew about the therapist but we did not know that it was specialized as such. I find it "strange" that the school did not tell us about it. She only had 2 sessions so far.
After reading lots of stories on this forum and 4thwave + other websites, I think that it is imperative that we block/restrict all internet access. Already tried and faced a strong push back. I am afraid that pushing this too hard might have a big impact on her so we have no idea how to do this. I did mention to her to start doing it progressively but even that was not accepted.
I looked for help and tried to find some therapist that could get her out of her gaming/internet addiction and it feels like I am talking to a 100 years old. They have no clue that such thing exist so how could they help with the issue.
We are working on getting a therapist that we will vet. There are probably other underlying things that led to this so she needs help with that.
We are currently expats and we are thinking on going strong on this and go back home for 1 year or so and follow therapy there. In the current country, the few therapists I spoke with are on the belief that she should continue with her affirmation.
It is so frustrating to see that there is no support whatsoever for this, with so many cases around. Luckily found this forum and hope I can get some idea / guidance on how to sort it out.
Thank you.
Welcome, new member. It sounds like you have done a lot of investigating already, and I hope what other parents have already shared here will help you get some ideas on how best to approach your situation with your daughter. Prepare to do a lot of reading, as there is a lot that parents have written about their experiences which may give you some ideas and more insights into your own relationship with your daughter and how you wish to proceed.