04-Dec-2021, 01:20 AM
(20-Oct-2017, 12:43 AM)natsblog30 Wrote: This is so valuable when there are so few resources for parents grappling with these issues, so much that is written in the media and online takes such a completely non-critical look at these issues and we need more thorough questioning of the principles behind this great rush towards transgenderism. My daughter is nearly 16 and for the last 2 years has gone from being a happy girl to being so depressed and consumed with adopting a male identity, after being strongly influenced by school friends and stuff she watched on the internet. She is convinced she hates her girl body and is really a boy however she has never been so unhappy and confused and I watch on with huge anxiety hoping she will reconcile with who she really is and get back to being her happy self again. I know how I felt myself, growing up and feeling uncomfortable with my adolescent body and shy and awkward. She is very sensitive and has been very much the same as I was approaching puberty, but the difference now is that young girls can ask google "why do I hate my breasts and my girl body?" and the answer comes back very swiftly and surely "because you have gender dysphoria and you will never be happy being a girl! you are really a boy in a girls body! Embrace the real you! Tell your parents to call you male pronouns and if they refuse tell them you are at risk of suicide if they don't support you!!!". Girls aren't getting the chance to slowly grow into their new bodies and gradually find their identity as a young woman who can doing anything a boy can do! My daughter has always been very feminine and confident but now she is so anxious living under a cloud of uncertainty about her future. She is binding her breasts and wearing boys clothes and doesn't want to go out anymore, she just wants to be on the internet and assume her male identity online. My beautiful girl has been brainwashed and I am gently trying to entice her off the internet and shower her with love and patience so she keeps trusting in my instincts and gives herself a chance at being a girl.
It makes me so sad to see the trend amongst young women to join the transgender cult and its definitely a huge blow for feminism. The medical world is being swept along before proper research has been done to determine the far reaching consequences of the hormone treatments on physical and mental health. Mutilating surgeryies are being done and its some sort of crazy social experiment that only us in the 1st world areas can afford to indulge in.