17-May-2021, 04:00 AM
(12-Oct-2017, 09:30 PM)admin Wrote: The Gender Critical Support Board is run for parents and families by parents and families who share the experience of coping with a child, teenager or young adult who believes she or he is transgender.
We are critical of the phenomenon of transgender youth growing at epidemic rates.
The forum provides support for parents and families who would like a thoughtful and cautious approach to intervention for their gender dysphoric child.
Most of the content is only visible to members of the board. This, publicly visible, forum is here to share what the board is about and provide a space for the members to have a voice.
Together, we share our stories, promote public awareness and respectful protest, and seek solutions and answers to questions.
If you have a child who has desisted from a trans identification, your presence is especially welcome on the forum, and we hope you will join us. You can help other parents learn how to help their child resolve his or her distress without resorting to life-long medical intervention.
There is strength in numbers. If parents find each other, we can offer each other support and know we are not alone. We can have a louder voice when speaking to schools, professionals, and policy makers. Please come find us. We look forward to seeing you there.