06-Mar-2021, 10:41 AM
Hello everyone I am also new here. I have an 11 year old daughter who has always been a 'tom boy' or not a stereotypical girl anyway. I often wondered if she would turn out to be gay and have just supported her non typical girl style. She wears what she wants and has her hair how she wants. She joined a football team. She hangs out with the boys. It's fine and she is largely accepted in primary school for just being how she is. But het behaviour lately had been "off". I put it down to hormones and this horrendous lockdown situation (I am in the uk). But last night she burst into tears and told me she wants to be a boy. We had a cuddle and a calm chat and she agreed to just keep on as we are for the time being (she can dress like a boy and wear her hair short) but that nothing else changes for now (her name!). I said I will try and seek counselling if she wishes but I really dont want this pushed on her. She had always been so happy and joyful and she used to laugh when people called her a boy and say "girls can play sport too" or "girls dont have to wear dresses" and I used to say she can be who she wants to be and the world needs strong women...now I'm devastated that I've "caused" this. I have asked her has she been following gender queer social media but she says no. To make things a bit harder her step mums sister recently transitioned medically and is now identifying as Male. I'm so upset and confused and alone. I dont want to talk to her dad just yet he is a bit bloody useless if I'm honest. Hoping to get my account verified soon.