25-Jan-2021, 04:41 AM
Hello, I am new here. I recently discovered that my gaming addicted (discord/twitter user) son identifies as a girl, trans MTF. He uses an anime avatar on his social media accounts, and after all my research this weekend, I see the correlation there. He doesn't know that I know, because I came across this discovery by my own resourcefulness. He has sunken into a deep depression over the last year, and he claims not to sleep, says his mind won't stop which causes the insomnia. He hasn't mentioned being depressed, but a mother knows. I limit the games when i can, but am not always home, and my boys are at their father's half the time, so.....They will always find a way to get online anyway. He goes by a female name he has chosen for himself. I'm just so grateful I found this forum, by way of 4thWaveNow blog (also so grateful for). This was after two days of crying and coming to a form of acceptance that I would have a daughter (who ironically likes girls acccording to the conversations he has with his online trans friends <shakes head>). Anyway, just saying hello and looking for more learning and support here.