07-Dec-2020, 06:51 AM
So thankful to have found this group. I have read so many that are exactly like our story. She went to college changed her name and has asked all her teachers to call her the new name and use the proper pronouns. I found out because the school sent an email with the changed name at first she said she didn’t want us to know until she was older because she knew we didn’t understand but that has now changed to her not feeling we support or respect her since we don’t use the new name and pronouns. We tell her we don’t understand it and it’s not going to happen in our home. We have a 6 year old to protect from all of this. We don’t want him hearing about any of it. She has asked for me to take her shopping so she could buy clothes that she feels comfortable in. She said she wanted guys pants and shirts. I’m not doing that. She said it makes her sad that we don’t support her. I just don’t feel in my heart as a mom that this is who she is and i have a hard time supporting that. She’s a gifted kid so she goes from one extreme to another and researched in depth on topics. She’s a gamer and also has lots of online chat groups. She’s 18 and in college so i can’t control that. I’m nervous about her coming home for Christmas we want things to be normal again and we don’t want our 6 year olds Holiday ruined over this. So confused and i feel so lost. How do we know if this is real of just a phase? She has PCOS which i have read can cause body dysphoria or gender issues. We took her to her gynecologist and she just switched her birth control pills and said we needed to seek family counseling. I’ve tracked hormonal changes based on when she talks about these issues. It’s usually week 3 of each month. I feel she’s got a possible hormone imbalance but the dr didn’t even check that. I’m glad to read so many parents are in the same boat as me. I just want off this boat and back to normal again. I’m begging for help here.