23-Nov-2020, 06:47 AM
I am in a similar situation but even harder because my son is 23 and away in grad school. He waited until he was at out-of-state college for the first time to tell us. We too cry every day and are desperate. We cannot just take away phone and electronics because he does not live with us. He won't even come home for christmas or thanksgiving because of "covid" he says. A therapist took 3 short sessions to tell him he has "gender dyshporia". We just found out he is seeing a psychiatrist and already on hormones which were given to him in one visit by an endocrinologist. We feel like we are in a nightmare. This beautiful boy now has let his hair grow and he looks like a crazy person. He also now has little boobs. We are so sad and feel so helpless. I found on kelseycoalition.org lots of good information, but where do we turn for help? There was a testimonial of someone who saw a therapist through skype in UK and that therapist said "no gender dysphoria" for the child and that helped turn the child around. I think if any real psychologist/therapist took the time to evaluate my son and try to get to the root of the problem, they too would say "no gender dysphoria" just depression. Who can we turn to for help? We just pray. Please advise.