13-May-2019, 10:52 PM
My daughter succumbed to this horrid brainwashing. It started around 2014, when she was 16. She became addicted to being on Tumblr. We tried to restrict her internet use as much as possible. We had NO idea that the transgender theme was so embedded into every corner of the Tumblr forums. She had NEVER voiced issue with being female or disliking her female body. Then one day there was a note on the bathroom counter, instructing us to use the male pronouns. It made absolutely NO SENSE whatsoever. She was still dressing in her pretty, feminine clothes, wearing makeup, jewelry and nail polish. I took her to numerous counselors. She never heard what she wanted to hear (affirmation of being a boy.)
Her closest friend was also doing the whole "I'm a transboy" crap and her parents were COMPLETELY gung ho to support her in that endeavor. That girl's older brother suddenly, at the age of 22 also decided he was trans and has now been taking estrogen for a couple years.
Our daughter left our home shortly after she turned 18 (Feb 2015) and has lived with that messed up family ever since. She didn't graduate from high school. She has yet to get a job. She'll be 23 in October.
Fast forward to December 2018. She was able to walk into Planned Parenthood and get a prescription for injectable Testosterone.
We've managed to keep some contact with her; only because we initiate it, but since the Testosterone we've only seen her 3x. The last time was mid March of this year. Since then she has ignored any text messages where I've asked her if she'd like to go out to eat with us or on a family outing.
The jack-ass parents she's been living with have had no problem with her living there, rent-free. They even put her on their cell-phone plan, when there was absolutely no reason to do so. And I can only surmise that they are paying for the testosterone.
I am a very liberal person, kind-hearted, gentle, forgiving, open-minded and accepting of others.
I have now come to learn I am quite capable of truly hating another human being (those parents and their kids....not my daughter.)
Her closest friend was also doing the whole "I'm a transboy" crap and her parents were COMPLETELY gung ho to support her in that endeavor. That girl's older brother suddenly, at the age of 22 also decided he was trans and has now been taking estrogen for a couple years.
Our daughter left our home shortly after she turned 18 (Feb 2015) and has lived with that messed up family ever since. She didn't graduate from high school. She has yet to get a job. She'll be 23 in October.
Fast forward to December 2018. She was able to walk into Planned Parenthood and get a prescription for injectable Testosterone.
We've managed to keep some contact with her; only because we initiate it, but since the Testosterone we've only seen her 3x. The last time was mid March of this year. Since then she has ignored any text messages where I've asked her if she'd like to go out to eat with us or on a family outing.
The jack-ass parents she's been living with have had no problem with her living there, rent-free. They even put her on their cell-phone plan, when there was absolutely no reason to do so. And I can only surmise that they are paying for the testosterone.
I am a very liberal person, kind-hearted, gentle, forgiving, open-minded and accepting of others.
I have now come to learn I am quite capable of truly hating another human being (those parents and their kids....not my daughter.)