10-Mar-2019, 11:14 AM
(10-Mar-2019, 09:07 AM)ForeverYoung Wrote: Thank you GC for providing all us parents a safe place to share, find answers and support. Upon reading several post I am amazed that all our stories are very similar. My daughter decided last week that she too has gender dysphoria and is convinced that she needs hormone blockers and needs to transition before she turns 12 or she will kill herself. 2 weeks ago she stated: "I dont identify as anything other than a girl whos 11" and now she's convinced she was born in the wrong body and wants to be a boy. She is so convincing and my heart hurts seeing her in so much pain, I pray she looks inward and can find the strength to love her true self without transitioning. I support my girl and will go to hell and back for her however as a preteen I will not be the one who puts the ammo in the gun! Next month we have an appt. with Brandon ITO MD at UCLA Child Adolescent Psychiatry and you better believe I am going to vet him! I know nothing about him other than he supposed to be highly trained in this field. Any additional referrals (Los Angeles) or thoughts on Dr. Brandon Ito would be helpful https://www.uclahealth.org/brandon-ito .Hi Forever Young,
Welcome to the forum. Sorry you are going thru this. Jumping to your question about this doctor. Thanks for sharing his link. His website says that he is a champion of LGBTQ and reading on he has multiple mentions of this. My advice is to cancel the appointment. Speaking as a mom who has been to a therapist who is very proaffirmation and they saw themselves as an advocate for transgender and gay rights. That type of doctor or therapist is not going to be objective. They are not able or ready to accept the possibility that there are a bunch of kids out there, especially young girls who are declaring that they are trans and are probably not transgender.
See if you can investigate what your daughter's online and social media history is. Any online friends or visits to online chat rooms? What friend groups she has in school and are they also trans? Any exposure to the GSA club in school?
D-18 (oct '17 declaration)
Not sure how this will all play out
D-18 (oct '17 declaration)
Not sure how this will all play out