01-Mar-2019, 12:22 AM
Hi, guest. Your story is a familiar one, with the autism, the trauma and learning about trans at school. Parents have compared stories and so, so many of these kids are on the autism spectrum, have OCD, ADHD, social anxiety, are gifted, same-sex attracted, into anime, have been bullied, or have suffered sexual assault or harassment, or have recently endured some sort of traumatizing event such as the death of a loved-one, moving away from friends, being rejected by a love interest, parents divorcing, etc.
I think you've made the right call regarding the hormones, but because you say she is growing sideburns, I hope she has not somehow come into possession of testosterone online or some other way, for example through a "helpful" adult. Perhaps she is just styling her hair to look like sideburns? Or perhaps she has PCOS, a symptom of which is high testosterone in females.
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Hope to see you "inside."
I think you've made the right call regarding the hormones, but because you say she is growing sideburns, I hope she has not somehow come into possession of testosterone online or some other way, for example through a "helpful" adult. Perhaps she is just styling her hair to look like sideburns? Or perhaps she has PCOS, a symptom of which is high testosterone in females.
I invite you to join up as a forum member, and then you'll be able to access the members-only areas, where you'll find lots of advice and support. Just click on "register" up in the black bar, above. You'll need to provide an email address to join, but it will never be shown on the forum. You can choose any pseudonym you like for your screen name.
Hope to see you "inside."