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12-Oct-2017, 09:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 14-Oct-2017, 11:04 PM by GCDad.
Edit Reason: Just touched it to put it at top
The Gender Critical Support Board is run for parents and families by parents and families who share the experience of coping with a child, teenager or young adult who believes she or he is transgender.
We are critical of the phenomenon of transgender youth growing at epidemic rates.
The forum provides support for parents and families who would like a thoughtful and cautious approach to intervention for their gender dysphoric child.
Most of the content is only visible to members of the board. This, publicly visible, forum is here to share what the board is about and provide a space for the members to have a voice.
Together, we share our stories, promote public awareness and respectful protest, and seek solutions and answers to questions.
If you have a child who has desisted from a trans identification, your presence is especially welcome on the forum, and we hope you will join us. You can help other parents learn how to help their child resolve his or her distress without resorting to life-long medical intervention.
There is strength in numbers. If parents find each other, we can offer each other support and know we are not alone. We can have a louder voice when speaking to schools, professionals, and policy makers. Please come find us. We look forward to seeing you there.
This is so valuable when there are so few resources for parents grappling with these issues, so much that is written in the media and online takes such a completely non-critical look at these issues and we need more thorough questioning of the principles behind this great rush towards transgenderism. My daughter is nearly 16 and for the last 2 years has gone from being a happy girl to being so depressed and consumed with adopting a male identity, after being strongly influenced by school friends and stuff she watched on the internet. She is convinced she hates her girl body and is really a boy however she has never been so unhappy and confused and I watch on with huge anxiety hoping she will reconcile with who she really is and get back to being her happy self again. I know how I felt myself, growing up and feeling uncomfortable with my adolescent body and shy and awkward. She is very sensitive and has been very much the same as I was approaching puberty, but the difference now is that young girls can ask google "why do I hate my breasts and my girl body?" and the answer comes back very swiftly and surely "because you have gender dysphoria and you will never be happy being a girl! you are really a boy in a girls body! Embrace the real you! Tell your parents to call you male pronouns and if they refuse tell them you are at risk of suicide if they don't support you!!!". Girls aren't getting the chance to slowly grow into their new bodies and gradually find their identity as a young woman who can doing anything a boy can do! My daughter has always been very feminine and confident but now she is so anxious living under a cloud of uncertainty about her future. She is binding her breasts and wearing boys clothes and doesn't want to go out anymore, she just wants to be on the internet and assume her male identity online. My beautiful girl has been brainwashed and I am gently trying to entice her off the internet and shower her with love and patience so she keeps trusting in my instincts and gives herself a chance at being a girl.
It makes me so sad to see the trend amongst young women to join the transgender cult and its definitely a huge blow for feminism. The medical world is being swept along before proper research has been done to determine the far reaching consequences of the hormone treatments on physical and mental health. Mutilating surgeryies are being done and its some sort of crazy social experiment that only us in the 1st world areas can afford to indulge in.
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Hi, Natsblog30. Feel free to join the forum, where you'll find much information and camaraderie. Register and you'll receive access to the entire forum rather than just this thread. To register, simply click on the word "register" near the top of the page, just under our logo. Once you register, your registration must be approved by a moderator. This can take anywhere from a minute to a day, depending upon the activity and availability of our moderators.
Your story sounds very similar to the stories of many of our members. I hope you'll join us. Best wishes to you and your daughter.
I am going through the same thing. Exactly. It's as if there is a tutorial somewhere on how to pull this off. I am so sad. I miss the daughter I used to have. I don't enjoy dropping her off at school and seeing the other teens who appear normal. I miss when people called her a mini me. She is going to counseling and starts seeing a psychiatrist soon so I'm hopeful we can figure out the real issue.
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Hi, I am not sure I know how to use this forum! I am interested in talking about/learning about ways/strategies to limit social Media and also how to search for counseling that is not just gender focused but that will deal with issues such as anxiety and other such issues. I have never used a forum like this and am not sure where to start--thanks!
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So glad you found us, Your account has now been activated so you will be able to see a lot more of the forum.
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I’m very glad I found this place.
My daughter first brought up wanting to be male the first day of summer after 7th grade…so…2015. She had never expressed anything like this in her short 12 years. In fact, she hadn’t really said much about anything ever; and out of the blue, she sends her father and me a text saying that she’s felt this way for a “long time” and she didn’t want us to talk to her about it. Uhhh…Nope. Not gonna happen.
So, I countered with “it is unfair to drop this on us when you haven’t spoken to us about ANYTHING for 2 years.” So we took a step back and she started therapy.
Tonight I brought it up again because things kinda got back to a “normal” life and I was scared of the answer…well, she says she identifies as male, her friends call her by her preferred name, but she doesn’t want to do surgery or testosterone while she’s in high school. She does want to change her name before graduation.
This isn’t about me, of course. If she’s really transgender, then fine. I love my kid no matter what.
But I don’t think she’s trans and I can’t figure a way to broach my skepticism with her.
I told her tonight, “I just want you to do well in school so you can get out of this state…and I want you to be happy. That’s it.”
We’ve got a lot of work to do on this journey…and I’m trying to get passed my hurt feelings.
Anyway…I need a community that won’t vilify me for my position with my child.
Thanks for reading.
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Dear Dangerfox,
Welcome. You are among friends. We are all exploring here. Take a moment to breath - relax - explore some of the threads. My own daughter is close to the age of yours. My daughter has, gradually over the span of about a year, now desisted from the trans-fiction identity. There is hope, support and ideas shared generously from other parents just like you - me - us. Ask anything. We are here for you.
Canada - Mum, D 18 Lesbian to bisexual/non-binary (now thinks non binary is a subgroup or trans)
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My story is about the same with my daughter. Beautiful, healthy, happy, very feminine in her maturation. No signs of ever wanting to be male, then BAM, a sterile scripted letter at 14 -15. We had just moved and she had no friends and then she tried on boys clothes at a new friends sleep over and they all started hugging her and claiming that they understood how she was feeling and that they would support her. I became the enemy when I told her it did not seem right to all of a sudden walk away from everything that she was very happy with, just to be cook with new friends. Problem here is that she just turned 18, and told her friends to call her by a male name. Ugh. I can't repeat some of it. She was diagnoised with ADD, anxiety, & depression. She cuts, threatens to kill herself, cut all her hair off, stopped shaving her legs and wears baggy, ugly clothes. She complains that she is ugly no matter what? And the worst for me is that she has taken on the language of a very sexist and crude person. She loved theatre and has been in ballets, plays ever since she was 3. She now hates it all and only wants to be behind the scenes. She is addicted to chat rooms and connecting with people out of state that game. School is falling through. She has a 504 due to the ADD anxiety & depression so she is still very much under my care. She has a phone and talks to someone I have no idea who it is. She has gone to neighbors and teachers and told them that I am abusive which is such a shock as I have a MA in Women, Gender & Sexuality and am a national anti-violence anti-trafficking advocate and speaker. I have had counseling that tells me to be honest with her but understanding of what she might be going through. I actually tell her that I get that she is confused and experimenting, but I do not agree because I not seen anything organic about her claim to be trans. How do I help her? She is 18 and needs help.
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(27-Jan-2018, 03:12 AM)Dawn Wrote: My story is about the same with my daughter. Beautiful, healthy, happy, very feminine in her maturation. No signs of ever wanting to be male, then BAM, a sterile scripted letter at 14 -15. We had just moved and she had no friends and then she tried on boys clothes at a new friends sleep over and they all started hugging her and claiming that they understood how she was feeling and that they would support her. I became the enemy when I told her it did not seem right to all of a sudden walk away from everything that she was very happy with, just to be cook with new friends. Problem here is that she just turned 18, and told her friends to call her by a male name. Ugh. I can't repeat some of it. She was diagnoised with ADD, anxiety, & depression. She cuts, threatens to kill herself, cut all her hair off, stopped shaving her legs and wears baggy, ugly clothes. She complains that she is ugly no matter what? And the worst for me is that she has taken on the language of a very sexist and crude person. She loved theatre and has been in ballets, plays ever since she was 3. She now hates it all and only wants to be behind the scenes. She is addicted to chat rooms and connecting with people out of state that game. School is falling through. She has a 504 due to the ADD anxiety & depression so she is still very much under my care. She has a phone and talks to someone I have no idea who it is. She has gone to neighbors and teachers and told them that I am abusive which is such a shock as I have a MA in Women, Gender & Sexuality and am a national anti-violence anti-trafficking advocate and speaker. I have had counseling that tells me to be honest with her but understanding of what she might be going through. I actually tell her that I get that she is confused and experimenting, but I do not agree because I not seen anything organic about her claim to be trans. How do I help her? She is 18 and needs help.
My daughter is 17 adn just told me she is a boy. I am so schocked. I know she hung out with LGBTQ friends but being open minded I did not object. She is very sensitive and does not make friends easily so I am glad she has friends. She has anxiety, ADD but otherwise veru smart. My husband blames me for her anxiety. She has transformed from a nice girl to being so rude and sexist. She has her breast at 11 and hated them because kids at school teased her big breasts. I thought it was normal because I used to hate having menses too.
I read that with psychotherapy this can be treated. Anyone has any success with it?