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[quote pid='52196' dateline='1636565225']
(10-Nov-2021, 04:18 PM)Marge Bouvier Simpson Wrote: Hello, Pandemic Cheese Brother.

I'm sorry to hear about your twitter troubles. This forum is for parents who are worried about the transgender social contagion among kids, teens and young adults. We definitely are LGB friendly; our main concerns are the trans medicalization of kids and young adults and the affirmation-only approach when kids and young adults take on a trans identity. I can't speak for 100% of us, but I do think I can accurately say most of us are not worried about having an LGB son or daughter, we just don't want our kids to be hastily medicalized only to have regrets and/or health issues down the road. We also don't like what we see as far as kids being groomed into thinking they are trans and pressured to transition.

I'm not sure that any of us have an pull at Twitter to help you get your account back, but I have heard of people contesting their suspensions and getting their account back upon appeal. I'm not exactly sure how that works, though.

Best wishes to you in getting your Twutter account back. I hope you have a hppy birthday, as well.
Right on Marge! [used to love the Simpsons in the 90s!] I can say as a GAY MAN who dabbled in the realms of the scene with drugs and sex, I DID feel like some of those people were grooming me to take on TRANS attributes. I too often found myself in the company of someone who pushed and pushed me to cross dress for them, and who otherwise took advantage of my altered state of mind to CONVINCE me that I'm trans. To this day that traumatic experience haunts me! And then being accosted on social media by trans people who show me intolerance and HATE because I am comfortable in my masculinity was just the final straw. I think weaker people succumb to those influences, especially when they become addicted. I was able to break that cycle for myself by returning to Cannabis use, and cutting myself off from the LGBTQIA+ community because I found no allies there. Most of my fellow LGBers side with a trans person by default, even when they're the ones being provocative to suit their own agendas, i.e. getting that #TransSympathy money sent to their GoFundMe. Twitter is rife with GFM scammers, but these self-entitled and quite damaged/broken Trans women who want to be men are just about the worst offenders! Using their condition as an excuse for not being able to take care of themselves so they have to divide and conquer within their own "community?"

I know my account is probably lost. I archived it last month because I felt the TRANS HATE coming at me for identifying as a CIS GAY MAN. I can't tell you how hard that is for someone who literally was prepared to commit suicide back in Jan/Feb of this year! Isolated from friends and family by an abusive spouse, and being treated as less than on Social Media sharing my POV, humor and ART. Not a very accepting experience! So why the hell should I continue to play their game of see me how I want you to see me, when to me they're just ungrateful for the body the Good Lord above us all GAVE THEM!? 

For too long we've let them flounder on land, choking on their own rhetoric, influencing younger generations to QUESTION their own identity when, if left alone, they'd figure it out just fine as you say! I do think their choices for their own lives can be valid, but the way they go about it, playing victim, turning allies into enemies, I guess I can play that too! I don't wish any harm on them, but at the same time we reap what we sow, and they are just a little too comfortable getting in CIS people's faces so I guess we're going to have to #PunchDown HARDER to make them understand they don't rule the world, nor will we tolerate their CIS intolerance any longer when most of us didn't do a damned thing to them!

Best of luck with your TRANS identifying kids. I think they might just be acting out, but you can't say that because it just feeds it. At the end of the day it's their life/body, you may have given it to them, and you can hope they cherish it, but is acceptance not better for flesh and blood than rejection? They're going to be rejected for the rest of their natural lives, if they're anything like the trans I've met, I pity them for their jaded dispositions and wish that they DO find acceptance if they embark on that journey to change the nature of their biology which to me is a symptom of a psychological disorder and not a valid life choice, but I'm just the abuse survivor gay dude with a pillow over my face, so what do I know about anything or life, right? I wish I had a better message for the Trans community, but I just don't. My thoughts are my own, derived from nearly five decades of experience with ALL TYPES of Human Beings. They weren't all bad, but enough of a few demographics were to wound my otherwise open heart and mind enough to "LOCK THE DOOR TIGHT" on them! Let's have a Kiki if they want! But no more of that CIS Intolerance is going to fly with me! Also, white Trans people telling me anything about People of Color needs to stop! They're just as WHITE as I am. POC don't need any help turning THEIR allies [I will always be a #BLM true believer because I lived in a community where I saw the system of discrimination do a lot of damage to my peers, while treating me like some precious soul to protect from the wild ones in the courtyard participating in a race riot; Perris High School in California 1994ish during lunch my last day attending before returning to my white bubble on Long Island. They didn't hurt me, I was irrelevant to both sides because they hated each other, black and Hispanic, the memory of that, seeing CHILDREN attacking each other for no discernable reason, it makes me the shut-in/recluse I am today, but I know we live in a [somewhat] better world today. I have hope for the future we can all get along and live the dream MLK shared with the world and died for!

Thank you for hearing me and again best of luck with your own concerns regarding these troubled people that seek to do to CIS people the thing they accuse CIS people of doing to them, oppression. Having a Twitter account #CyberMurdered by Mass Reporting is a form of #CyberBullying, and I'll admit it evoked those suicidal thoughts.

I'm sure the rhetoric, if I had conceded to her forceful attempt to convince me to delete my tweet/sentiment reminding people that "LGBT people were exterminated by the Nazis at Auschwitz too!"-as to say the history is often quite mute about that fact-but if I had given in? What then? Would I have had to endure being bashed over the head by all her trans friends? And to what purpose, to exterminate my self-pride, confidence, sense of what I know to be true for myself? The very act of scorching a gay artists account like that is Nazi-esque in itself! They are the very oppressors they cry foul on at every turn when they don't get what THEY want from other people. I'm just there to share my views and artistic expressions. I know they're not for everybody, but I deserve to be accepted for WHO I AM and treated with the same respect these people demand with a nasty attitude from literally everyone they encounter on a daily basis. I won't be knocked down by someone who by all appearances enjoys a higher status on social media just by declaring their body is in conflict with their inner psyche. No #TransSympathyMoney from this Pandemic Cheese Brother & Sister! Homies don't play that! I hope Evan gets the help she needs and stops breeding hate. I feel like she threw down with someone who she severely underestimated. I know my own strengths, don't force me to fine tune them to enact justice! It's a gift I don't enjoy having to use, and I always win in the end because I'm righteous and free of sin like Jesus!

There are growing LGB movements that have had similar experiences. If you search online, you'll probably find them.
Hello everyone,
We are parents of a girl who came out as trans boy two and a half years ago. The usual story. We were stunned to get the "standard" three-page letter, clearly not written by our master of misspelling, a letter with full sentences, with links to "approved" sites, and all. We were stunned to learn that our high school, which requires our consent to cross the street to go to a fabric store, now changed our daughter's name and gender without uttering a word to us parents. Friends enthusiastically followed. Members of our religious community were ecstatic at an opportunity to parade their progressiveness - that is to say, yes, they started to call the cute girl they had known for years by a boy name - in our face. We had to buy her new clothes and yes, new underwear with the pocket upfront. But we refused medical transition. Now we are six months away from the dreaded 18th birthday. I feel as if I am staring at the oncoming train. The only good news is there are many new posts and research articles on the subject. THANK YOU to everyone who makes it happen.

Here's one I just found, with stat's - especially focused on Girl-to-boy transitions.
(28-Nov-2021, 08:28 PM)Yipsilanti Wrote: Hello everyone,
We are parents of a girl who came out as trans boy two and a half years ago. The usual story. We were stunned to get the "standard" three-page letter, clearly not written by our master of misspelling, a letter with full sentences, with links to "approved" sites, and all. We were stunned to learn that our high school, which requires our consent to cross the street to go to a fabric store, now changed our daughter's name and gender without uttering a word to us parents. Friends enthusiastically followed. Members of our religious community were ecstatic at an opportunity to parade their progressiveness - that is to say, yes, they started to call the cute girl they had known for years by a boy name - in our face. We had to buy her new clothes and yes, new underwear with the pocket upfront. But we refused medical transition. Now we are six months away from the dreaded 18th birthday. I feel as if I am staring at the oncoming train. The only good news is there are many new posts and research articles on the subject. THANK YOU to everyone who makes it happen.

Here's one I just found, with stat's - especially focused on Girl-to-boy transitions.

Welcome, Yipslianti. I'm sorry to learn of yet another famioly dealing with this. I'm glad you found this message board but sade you needed to.

Thanks for sharing the article. It's a good one.

Welcome to the forum.
Hi. I'm struggling to accept that I even need to be here. My daughter doesn't claim the transgender identity to me, but I have discovered that she lives it at school and with her friends. I want to be anywhere but here. I don't want to do this, or think about it. I want to wake up and have this nightmare over. But, that's not reality. So, I'm hoping to find support and help here.  Thanks.
(14-Dec-2021, 08:44 PM)Flairthegoat Wrote: Hi. I'm struggling to accept that I even need to be here. My daughter doesn't claim the transgender identity to me, but I have discovered that she lives it at school and with her friends. I want to be anywhere but here. I don't want to do this, or think about it. I want to wake up and have this nightmare over. But, that's not reality. So, I'm hoping to find support and help here.  Thanks.

Hello and welcome. I'm so sorry your daughter is yet another kid caught up in this mess.

Your account has been activated. You have certainly come to the right place for support. We also help each other as best we can, though there is no reliable course of action to take.

Again, welcome. You are not alone.
I too just found out. My daughter was always a girly girl and ironically still has girly tendencies. I found out after she cut her hair and began dressing like the unabomber , she was using a male name at school and now work. I've cried for days. Christmas was ruined. I can't eat and sleep.i hope we all get through this.

(14-Dec-2021, 08:44 PM)Flairthegoat Wrote: Hi. I'm struggling to accept that I even need to be here. My daughter doesn't claim the transgender identity to me, but I have discovered that she lives it at school and with her friends. I want to be anywhere but here. I don't want to do this, or think about it. I want to wake up and have this nightmare over. But, that's not reality. So, I'm hoping to find support and help here.  Thanks.
Same. My daughter is only doing this at school but I recently discovered at work she is going by a male name. I've cried for days, she's always had depression issues especially when she gets knee deep in her cell phone but always has been very girly.
(27-Dec-2021, 05:01 AM)Dlm1446 Wrote: I too just found out. My daughter was always a girly girl and ironically still has girly tendencies. I found out after she cut her hair and began dressing like the unabomber , she was using a male name at school and now work. I've cried for days. Christmas was ruined. I can't eat and sleep.i hope we all get through this.

(14-Dec-2021, 08:44 PM)Flairthegoat Wrote: Hi. I'm struggling to accept that I even need to be here. My daughter doesn't claim the transgender identity to me, but I have discovered that she lives it at school and with her friends. I want to be anywhere but here. I don't want to do this, or think about it. I want to wake up and have this nightmare over. But, that's not reality. So, I'm hoping to find support and help here.  Thanks.
Same. My daughter is only doing this at school but I recently discovered at work she is going by a male name. I've cried for days, she's always had depression issues especially when she gets knee deep in her cell phone but always has been very girly.

Welcome, DLM1446. I'm sorry your daughter is yet another who has been caught up in this.

Your account has been activated. I'm hoping you'll find the members-only section helpful. I know you will find it supportive. I guess I've worded it that way because actually helping our kids can be difficult, but the members here are wonderfully supportive. We help each other as best we can but there is not any sort of tried-and-true method for pulling kids out of the cult-like groupthink. 

Welcome. You are not alone.
I feel like I am going to throw up. Found out my sweet A+ daughter 16 thinks she's a man. Typical story. Right now trying to deal with blocking her access to [recreational] drugs which also came out of her "glitter family" associations, which I'm trying to cut her away from as well. So much swirling around I don't even know where to start.

I need to know how to convince her of reality. I'm seeing parallels between the religious cults we were warned of back in the 70s&80s and the trans affirming "glitter family" community. I think I'll try that tactic - to convince her she's in a cult, not in reality. I have no idea what to do or exactly what to say. I spend all day rehearsing little speeches.

Compounding all this is that I share custody and her other parent thinks affirming is a good idea to prevent suicide. I'm thinking she's already dead and that I'm not going to have her in my life anyway. What the hell is going on? I'm a good dad BUT FOR agreeing with a 16yo that a girl is a boy. I have such anger toward all the groomers who have been part of this.

I will never ever call her by a boy's name or pretend she's a man. Period.
My 23 year old son thinks he is transgender.  Myself, my husband and his siblings do not believe this is true.  We believe he has been influenced and brainwashed by the internet and social media.  We are so scared he will begin hormone therapy soon.   We feel completely lost and helpless.  So scared he will make changes to himself and his life that will be detrimental and maybe irreversible.  We are DEVESTATED.
(08-Feb-2023, 11:34 PM)deb12267 Wrote: My 23 year old son thinks he is transgender.  Myself, my husband and his siblings do not believe this is true.  We believe he has been influenced and brainwashed by the internet and social media.  We are so scared he will begin hormone therapy soon.  He moved out to California a year ago (for work) and we are in New Jersey.  We feel completely lost and helpless.  So scared he will make changes to himself and his life that will be detrimental and maybe irreversible.  We are DEVESTATED.

I'm so sorry. The internet has lured so many of our kids into this dangerous mess.

Welcome to the board. You'll find like-minded parents here who share your fears and concerns.

I hope you find the board helpful.

Best wishes.

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